healing space dedication

I dedicate Healing Space Anacortes to a remarkable individual and a cherished member of our Anacortes yoga community, Tiffani Aerts.

Her life ended far too soon, but her memory continues to inspire us in our shared journey toward healing.

Tiffani was more than just a student or a member of our community; she was a beacon of hope and resilience who believed in the power of holistic healing and yoga.


You continually remind me of the power of an email and reaching out. I am so sorry that a community wasn’t available during your time of need.

When I found out about your death, I knew immediately a community space would be dedicated to you. I can’t help but to think that if the pandemic hadn’t shut down the spaces that were needed the most, things may have been different.

It truly is because of you that I am opening up a new space again. Your life showed me that a community space for trauma healing was so needed in Anacortes.

You are missed, loved, and a guiding light in my life and in so many others.

Above all, you are not forgotten.

Thank you for spreading your bright light while you were here,


In honor of Tiffani,

we would like to extend our heartfelt commitment to:

Creating Safe Spaces:

We will continue to foster a nurturing environment where individuals feel safe to share their struggles without fear of judgment.

Promoting Compassion:

Above all, we will promote a culture of compassion and understanding, reminding each other that it's okay to not be okay

Continued Learning:

We will strive to deepen our understanding of mental health, ensuring that we are better equipped to support those wrestling with inner battles.

tiffani aerts | healing space anacortes dedication | anacortes washington | holistic health | integrative mental health | somatic healing


A message from Tiffani’s husband, Scott Ely

Tiffani Aerts | hot yoga studio | somatic healing | trauma recovery | healing space Anacortes | anacortes washington
Tiffani Aerts dedication page | suicide support in anacortes washington | somatic psychic medium | adrenna Nicole anzaldua
Somatic Psychic Medium | Spiritual Practitioner | Trauma Recovery and Healing | Anacortes WA

“Tiffani was and always will be the personification of “love” to me. It was her heart and her essence that she brought to the world and everyone that knew her.  She would be honored and touched to have this space dedicated to healing and recovery, especially one that is safe, focused on somatic and energetic therapies, and can help people find light within themselves.

Healing begins with the first whisper of motion forward and this space may be your first step to support.

healing space also remembers:

  • lori johnson | healing space anacortes memorial | integrative mental health hot yoga studio somatic healing Anacortes Washington

    Lori Johnson



    Thank you for always believing in me and the studio.

    I wish you could see this space.

  • Donna Arrasmith



    Our paths crossed in the weirdest of ways, thank you for guiding me.

    I hope you find peace and justice is served.

Support Our Community Healing Journey

Here, we invite you to join hands with us in a profound journey of community healing and empowerment. Your support is not just a donation; it's a heartbeat that nourishes the roots of our shared healing space, ensuring it flourishes for everyone who seeks refuge and growth.

Our Commitment: Every contribution you make is a pledge towards community well-being, not a personal gain. We are deeply committed to ensuring that your generosity directly enhances our collective healing journey, enriching lives and empowering individuals through the transformative power of holistic practices.

Impact of Your Support: Your generosity has already woven miracles within our community. Here are some of the initiatives and resources your donations have brought to life:

  • Sound Healing Sanctuary: Thanks to your support, we have acquired a complete set of sound bowls, creating a sanctuary of healing vibrations that resonate with and soothe countless souls.

  • Empowering Education: We have been able to offer scholarships to aspiring yoga teachers, enabling them to pursue continuing education and teacher training. Your contributions have been instrumental in spreading the light of knowledge and skill.

  • Enhanced Practice Tools: The yoga props—bolsters, blocks, and more—that your donations have funded are not just tools; they are extensions of our intentions to make healing practices accessible and comfortable for everyone.

  • Sustaining Our Mission: The administrative backbone of our initiatives, from maintaining our sacred spaces to outreach efforts, is strengthened by your support, ensuring our mission's resilience and growth.

Your Role in Our Story: Every donation, no matter the size, is a powerful affirmation of our shared belief in holistic healing and community well-being. By contributing, you become an integral part of our story, a co-creator of a world where every individual has the support and resources to embark on their healing journey.

How to Donate: [Instructions on how to donate, including online payment options, mailing addresses for checks, or other payment methods.]

With Gratitude: We are infinitely grateful for your generosity and belief in our mission. Together, we are not just healing individuals; we are transforming our community—one breath, one gesture, one step at a time.

Contact Us: For any inquiries about your donation or to learn more about how your contributions are utilized, please don't hesitate to contact us at [contact information].
